All the key exam dates for the different boards: AQA, Pearson (Edexcel) and Cambridge.

For any IGCSE or A-LEVEL student it is sometimes a daunting task to find information about their exams or key dates. In addition, each board, like AQA, Pearson (Edexcel) or Cambridge, has its own timetables, which makes it even more confusing.

From TutorASAP we wanted to bring together the 2021 exam timetables of the different boards so that all students of the British system are aware of the dates and times and can have it at hand without difficulty. Remember that with COVID the timetables will probably undergo some changes, but they will always be updated so that they are up to date.

BREAKING NEWS: The AQA and Pearson (Edexcel) Boards have proceeded as they did last year. What does this mean? That the exams have been cancelled, which means that students will be marked and assessed as in the previous academic year, using an algorithm that will work in a similar way, although nothing has been confirmed yet.


AQA offers on its website a search engine called “Key Dates Search”, where you can filter important dates by subjects, dates, Qualifications, and more. In addition, there is also a document where you are informed of each important process per month.


As in the previous case, Pearson offers on its website a search engine with timetables, i.e. dates and calendars, but differentiated by UK or International centres. Students can search according to their interests:


Cambridge, like Pearson, its timetables and timetables depend on the area of the centre. Therefore, the first thing students should look at is to see in which zone their centre is located (there are zones 1 to 6).
And once you know the zone, check the timetables. On this page you will find the zones and within each zone the timetables for November 2020 and June 2021. They also indicate the adaptations that have been made to the exams as COVID prevention for all examining centres and schools.

TutorASAP recommendations for the student: Visit these websites from time to time as, as we have said, due to COVID they will probably be modified.

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