Does Brexit Influence International Education?

On June 23, the British voted for a referendum that has marked a before and after in the recent history of Europe: leave the European Union with a percentage in favor of 51.9%. If the country was practically divided in two, Europe remained open-mouthed with the decision taken by something more of the population of voting age in the United Kingdom.

The desire of some to end with what they consider to be scourges, as has been the arrival of thousands of people from other European countries to find a better future, the crisis of governance in the European Union itself or the management of the crisis of the Refugees in Syria, among other reasons, has overcome those who wish and still long for, live in a united Europe, where all countries collaborate to end social differences, disasters caused by wars and be part of that exit to the Great economic crisis in which the whole world and especially Europe, has been subdued and from which, it seems, little by little we are seeing the light.

A Europe in which many young people had grown up; A model in which they believed and for which they voted in favor of staying, despite the fact that slightly more than half of the country voted otherwise. And this not only influences economic aspects, but also in other areas of everyday life, such as international education.

United Kingdom says no to European Union

Known as Brexit, the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union involves a 180-degree turnaround in different fields, not only in its territory but also in the rest of Europe and mainly concerned with the economic aspect, but also others as important as international relations, international education and focusing more on foreigners living in this country, health, among others, the thousands of Spaniards who in recent years have decided to settle on the other side of the Bay of Biscay to Live a new experience or build a better future.

There are many Spaniards living in London or other localities in the United Kingdom who wonder whether their future is in danger or not; If they will continue to have health coverage when, within approximately two years (which are estimated to make the change real), the United Kingdom definitively leaves the European Union and many others who have planned to leave but have decided to stay in Spain, For fear of what might happen.

From our country, many students are wondering if they can study the studies they planned to do in the United Kingdom or not. And, in this sense, the answers are contradictory. Some are very positive, such as those found in the ABC article, where they explain that, in the words of the British Council, “those European citizens wishing to study in the UK can rest easy, the brexit of EU will not be produced for another two years, “adding that” both EU students who are already taking a course in the UK will retain their current educational funding conditions. ” Words that have been spoken by Jo Johnson, head of portfolio of Universities in the British Government.

However, the journalist and Masters in International Management, Angela Bohórquez, says in the blog, Word Master, that Brexit will bring negative consequences for education in the United Kingdom since, on the one hand, the country will no longer receive the number of students Foreigners received so far (only in Spain last year were 9,800 students who chose the UK to complete their degree or postgraduate). He adds that the country will have problems attracting international talent, something that its universities have always been proud of and, on the other hand, it warns of the absence of economic aid from the European Union in the field of education.

Brexit and International Baccalaureate in Spain

From Tutorasap we consider that, in spite of this “separation” of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the commitment to an International baccalaureate is key so that our young people do not conceive of any type of border neither in the educative aspect and, much less, in that of international cooperation. And, precisely, one of the main advantages of international education is the acquisition of the global, communicative and collaborative vision acquired by all the students who study such studies. The culture of effort, of being able to adapt to a constantly evolving world and, of course, the ability to think and communicate in another language, mainly English, make this educational model a clear future bet in which since Tutorasap Support people to achieve these goals and strengthen, even more if possible, the ties between family, teacher and tutor. Do not put borders to the education of your children!



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