Franz Kafka, author of “Metamorphosis”, a vegetarian writer in 1890
This year, 137 years since the birth of Franz Kafka, author of “Metamorphosis” and maybe the most famous Czech writer. Maybe people know a little about his job, but few people know about the curiosities of his life. For example, do you know that Kafka in 1890 became vegetarian? HIS HORRIBLE RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS FATHER MARKED KAFKA’S BOOKS… TO SUCH POINT OF WRITE ONE IN A NIGHT Always considered a closed and introverted person, Kafka had bad self esteem due to his relationship with his father. His father was a typical man of that time that wanted his male children to marrying and making money. But, instead, Kafka was a creative boy who loved to read and write stories. This fact was totally intolerable to his father, so he mistreated his son all his childhood. It’s true that Kafka paid attention to his father… apparently. At nights, […]