For several years in countries like Mexico, USA and England it has been approved and decided that subjects related to financial education should be included in the school curriculum as part of the school syllabus. This deals largely with the students’ understanding of what is money, saving and the indebtedness; we acquire these notions from the time that we are young. Since 2008, the Financial Education Plan CNMW and Banco de España has been immersed in the objective set by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, among others, of teaching children and young people skills, behaviors and values that allow them to make financial decisions in their daily lives. Finally, thanks to this synergy, the knowledge is already integrated into the school environment, both primary and high schools in Spain, include this in the subject matter of Social Science subjects.
The objective of teaching financial education at school is to train school children through educational plans, thus fostering an entrepreneurial spirit. This initiative has also been encouraged by the‘Federación Bancaria Europea y la European Money Week, la AEB (Spanish Association of Banking), which have joined the effort. Without hesitation some banks have participated by offering schools information sessions for the students about money and savings, thus promoting financial education in Spain.
The program has a clear intention of the future, as it stands out as a complement to the subjects of Economics and Financial Mathematics that are already begining to be taught already in schools, with a syllabus that includes lessons on saving and reaching the end of the month, the importance of credit, the possible consequences of making irresponsible decisions or how to adapt consumption to personal circumstances.
A way to get into this subject, without being too difficult to understand for students, in both primary and secondary school, is through didactic games.Perhaps the most well-known game for all in this sense is Monopoly, one of the best-selling and best-selling commercial and financial board games in the world. Here in Spain, we have joined this initiative to learn by playing, the platform Finanzas Para Todos en su sección Banco de Juegos, the Financial Education Plan group, CNMW and the Bank of Spain; offer educational games related to this agenda and of which, we will use some as an example if you wish to practice at home:
1. Pasapalabra
In the style of the television program, it is one of the most famous games, for our purpose it can be developed with words and definitions of the world of finance.
2. Financial Crossword
It consists of completing the classic crossword puzzle with definitions of financial terms.
3.Financial Circuit
Go through the financial board and face the challenge of saving, means of payment and financing.
4.You are a saver
The vignettes of a comic have lost their speech bubbles. Try to put them in order and follow the conversation on how to save.
5.Adjust your budget
Expenses and more expenses, follow the clues and learn to order a monthly budget.
At TutorAsap, we apply these techniques and we encourage you to practice at home with interactive and didactic games to motivate students in learning, whether you are a student, parent or teacher.