The best topics for your internal assessment in CHEMISTRY

When choosing an internal assessment (IA) in chemistry, you’re presented with many ideas. But which one will provide that “WOW-factor” to whoever marks your paper?

It’s a difficult decision you must make because a lot depends on it. Therefore, to minimise the stress caused by selecting an interesting and well-rounded internal assessment for Chemistry, I recommend you become knowledgeable on the below. Here we discuss various IAs which have proven themselves to be high graders.

The best topics for your internal assessment in CHEMISTRY


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then you will learn about the Best Internal Assessment Topics in Chemistry

1. Base Back Titration

The first and most interesting internal assessment we want to discuss is using base back titration. A subject like this is exceptional because it uses a calcium mineral that our bodies produce naturally to repair itself. This makes it very relatable to the everyday life of chemistry.

During the internal assessment, you’ll want to explore how temperature affects demineralising of calcium hydroxyapatite. As mentioned above, this is a natural calcium mineral that is produced inside our bodies for repair—however, its also primarily located in our teeth.

Because of this, you’ll want to see how temperature affects the demineralisation of calcium while applying organic-based acids such as ethanoic, citric, oxalic, or tartaric.

Acid-Base & Transition metal chemistry

Temperature (use a minimum of five)

Percentage of demineralisation

2. Organic chemistry and transition metal

If the above isn’t something that excels your interest, then you might want to perform an IA on organic chemistry and transition metals. Many students have used this type of IA over recent years and have graded well. It’s a somewhat easier study compared to most. Here’s what you need to know:

With this type of IA, you’ll want to answer how temperature affects the hydrolysis of aspirin measured by the complexation of transition metal ions when using a UV-Vis spectrometer. For a better understanding of this topic, see a detailed study here.

This could be a fascinating one to perform as well as constructing an internal assessment. As mentioned, it’s one of the easier ones on the list to accomplish. Therefore, more than worth the consideration.

Organic and transition metal chemistry

Calibration curve and use of a colourimeter

Temperature (use a minimum of five)

The extent of hydrolysis, which is measured from a concentrated salicylic acid

3. Periodicity and energetics

Both of the above IAs use temperature as an independent variable. We’re aware that this isn’t something that sparks an interest in all individuals, so you might want to become knowledgeable on this IA about periodicity and energetics.

Within this IA, you’ll want to measure how the ionic radius of double-charged metal ion affects the rate of gelatin produced when reacting with XCL2 and sodium alginate. Similarly to the above, it’s a relatively more straightforward IA to perform than others mentioned on the list.

All IAs that study periodicity and energetics can produce highly remarkable work because of their uniqueness. If you’re struggling to find a topic that’ll provide some severe wow-factor, then this example should be something of interest.

Periodicity and energetics


Ionic radio of double-charged metal ion

The total mass of gelatin that’s produced

4. Reaction kinetics and decomposition

Another unique internal IA you could perform for chemistry is reaction kinetics and decomposition. This is a more difficult IA, but something which will undoubtedly provide your teacher or marker that exciting factor.

With this type of internal assessment, you’ll want to show how the d-electron number of various transition metal ion homogenous catalysts impact the overall decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide as measured by the collection of gas when oxygen is produced.

Transition metal chemistry and kinetics

Gas collection or oxygen senor

D-electron number of transition metal ion (a minimum of five)

The overall rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide produced

5. Bases & kinetics

The last IA we want to mention targets bases and kinetics. It can be based on different variables, but we recommend the below as it’s easy to obtain, follow, and conduct.

Within this IA, you’ll want to discover how the pH level in water affects the adsorption extent (aka water vapour) of activated charcoal. As you can imagine, the variables used are easy to source, making it an excellent assessment for anyone looking for an “easier” option.

Acid & bases, and kinetics


pH (a minimum of five)

Increase in mass of activated charcoal

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After reading the above, you should better understand the possible IAs you could perform for chemistry. But, once you’ve selected an internal assessment, what makes it achieve high grades?

What makes an excellent internal assessment in chemistry?

A good topic for your IB chemistry internal assessment is a mandatory requirement. However, having a great subject might not be enough to score you high marks. Additionally, you’ll need to conduct the piece well. To help you with this, see the below tips.

1. When creating an internal assessment, you’ll want to use technical but straightforward and clear language. Remember, whoever’s marking the study must be able to understand what you’re trying to achieve.
2. Including the above, the paper must be around six to twelve pages long. Because of this, ensure the topic you choose can produce this much content.
3. Additionally, it helps a lot to have an exciting topic. It makes both you and the reader become much more engaged and attached to the IA.
4. Although it can be challenging, try to think of original or new content. Presenting a “never seen before” study is much better than providing something that’s repeatedly performed. The above topics are tremendous but try changing them with your imagination into something that isn’t found online.

Fingers crossed, after you’ve become knowledgeable on the above, you now have a better understanding of what internal assessment you’ll perform for chemistry.

Now, what are you waiting for? Start developing some research, conduct your experiments, and begin finalising your essay.



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