The talent of Spanish educators stands out in CIBEM at an international level


How many headaches give mathematics to students, teachers and parents! As they pass courses, this is one of the subjects that most students suspend. Whose responsibility, is it? Of the students? Of the teachers? of the system?. It may be a combination of all factors, but what is clear is that mathematics, in one form or another, are part of our day to day. 

Precisely in order to exchange innovative and effective ways in mathematics education, the Ibero-American Congress on Mathematical Education (CIBEM) was born in 1990. A congress held every four years between Latin America, Portugal and Spain. The first edition took place in Seville and this year, 17 years later, the eighth edition will take place in Madrid, from 10 to 14 July.

After more than 20 years of providing extracurricular support courses to International Baccalaureate students, having pioneered this specialty, in TutorAsapthey are aware of the importance of mathematics for the future of young people. To do this, they are looking for effective and innovative formulas thanks to which they are able to not only assimilate the subject, but also understand and enjoy it, the main objective of CIBEM.

For this reason and after an exhaustive selection process, two professors from this prestigious Madrid center, Javier García Ruíz and Clara Díaz-Salazar De La Flor (professors of Mathematics, Geography and History respectively) have been selected to give the following seminars that, without doubt, will revolutionize the way of teaching in these disciplines.

In their projects, they manage to envelop the student in a learning environment where Mathematics, Geography and History are merged to obtain a real and fun vision of the knowledge necessary for meaningful learning.


  • Towards an interdisciplinary didactic: teaching proposal of mathematics, history and geography for a global citizenship. This work arises from the need for students to approach mathematical and humanistic knowledge in an integrated way, looking for points of rapprochement and connection instead of seeing it as separate and isolated subjects, as it happens today.
  • Interdisciplinary Proficiency: design and integration of humanities content in a mathematical. This workshop is born from the need to shape, in a concrete example, the integration of other disciplines into a purely mathematical activity. It is necessary for the students to approach mathematical and humanistic knowledge in an integrated way, looking for the points of approach and connection instead of seeing it as separate and isolated subjects, as it happens today. The goal is to design an interdisciplinary Proficiency set in an ancient civilization in which mathematics relates to purely historical concepts.

Main Benefits of Mathematics

Despite being a subject that is not liked by all students, the list of benefits provided by its teaching in schools is very broad. These include:

  • It helps develop analytical thinking, I.e., the abilities to investigate and know the truth for oneself. Something that, undoubtedly, more than ever, is of vital importance for the students of the present who are going to live in a constantly changing future.
  • Encourage the ability to think, having to reason to find the solution.
  • Speed up the mind, especially mental calculation, which helps students to open their mind, keep looking and not obsess in a problem, finding the solution to it.


About CIBEM 2017

From 10 to 14 July, Madrid will host the VIII edition of CIBEM. The event will take place at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, specifically in the Faculties of Medicine and Mathematics. The opening ceremony will be held at the Teatro de la Zarzuela (Calle Jovellanos, 4). It should be noted that, as they report on the CIBEM website, their Majesties the King and the Queen of Spain have accepted the chairmanship of the honorary committee for this edition of the mentioned congress.

Throughout these days, there will be presentations, as well as workshops and mini-courses, as you can see in yourprogram. In addition, on July 13 will be held the V Ibero-American Geogebra Day.

As indicated on the CIBEM website, “GeoGebra days began to be realized in Spain in 2010 from the different GeoGebra Institutes. The experience has been extended to different countries, among others Portugal and Italy, and proposed by the academic team of mathematics of IBERCIENCIA was considered a possibility to increase the dissemination of the use of GeoGebra in different Ibero-American countries”.

For more information and interviews, please email us at [email protected] or call, 911 274 432



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